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Compassionate Regulation

Compassionate regulation ensures human touch is not lost in regulation. In delivering our regulatory programs with compassion, we are emphasizing empathy, fairness, clarity of our role and taking into account context.

Focus on people

The College recognizes that the various relationships we build with veterinarians and members of the public are integral to the impact of our work in serving our mandate. Compassionate regulation supports our culture of continuous improvement and drives a better understanding of our customers’ experiences.

Compassionate regulation ensures human touch is not lost in regulation. In delivering our regulatory programs with compassion, we are emphasizing empathy, fairness, clarity of our role and taking into account context. 

We are intentional about focusing on the people, including veterinarians, veterinary teams, applicants and the public, that interact with us and our programs. 

Here are the areas where we are striving to create a more positive experience:

  • Enhancing how we communicate with empathy.
  • Making our information and content easier to understand.
  • Assisting our customers with clear information that helps create reasonable expectations from our process from the start.
  • Providing resources that continue to assist those going through difficult situations (grief after losing a pet, stress, etc.).
  • Empowering College staff through training to take a compassionate lens to their work.

Presentation on Compassionate Regulation

A replay of a presentation to Council in March 2022.


Finding space for kindness: public protection and health professional regulation | International Journal for Quality in Health Care | Oxford Academic

How Can We Make Health Regulation More Humane? A Quality Improvement Approach to Understanding Complainant and Practitioner Experiences | Journal of Medical Regulation