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Regulatory Concept: Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Veterinary Professionals Act supports an alternative dispute resolution as part of its robust investigations and resolutions screening model.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Regulatory concept in development.

Status: Regulatory concept received general consensus at Transition Council at the September 23 & 24, 2024 meeting. Prior to public consultation, the Transition Council will review all the proposed concepts again.


The Veterinary Professionals Act supports an alternative dispute resolution as part of its robust investigations and resolutions screening model. Alternative dispute resolution seeks to resolve complaints in a manner that protects public interest while achieving a mutually supported outcome through mediation and negotiation, supported by an independent facilitator. Alternative dispute resolution efficiently addresses matters that do not contain allegations of serious harm, misconduct, incapacity, or impropriety. The College currently offers a voluntary alternative dispute resolution through its policy-based mediated resolutions program, in place since 2013.

The draft concept receiving general consensus by the Transition Council outlines the administration of the program; a list of ineligible complaints; and the process for an opt-out program.