Mandatory Quality Assurance
Status: The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open - share your thoughts today!
The College’s current voluntary quality assurance program ensures the ongoing quality and safety of veterinary medicine in Ontario, to mitigate risks to the public, and to instill public confidence in veterinary medicine and regulation of the profession.
The Veterinary Professionals Act creates the framework for a mandatory quality assurance program. Veterinarian and veterinary technician members would be required to participate in the program. Members would not be required to complete all aspects of the program every year. Frequency of requirements would be determined by the Quality Assurance Committee and outlined in College policy.
A mandatory quality assurance program would include:
- Continuing professional development that promotes ongoing competency; addresses changes in practice environments; and incorporates standards of practice, advances in technology and changes to entry to practice competencies.
- Self, peer and practice assessments
- Participation in the quality assurance program
- A statutory Quality Assurance Committee