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Regulatory Concept: Regulatory Exemptions for Members

Regulatory exemptions for specific types of members related to the practice of authorized activities at or from accredited veterinary facilities.

Regulatory Exemptions for Members

Regulatory concept in development.

Status: The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open - share your thoughts today!


Under the Veterinary Professionals Act, authorized activities (and potentially all forms of clinical veterinary medicine) will be performed by members at or from an accredited facility, unless otherwise specifically stated.

Circumstances will be clearly laid out in regulation to indicate when a member (either a veterinarian or veterinary technician) is permitted to perform authorized activities (and potentially all forms of clinical veterinary medicine) outside of an accredited veterinary facility. This allowance would not remove the College’s general ongoing oversight of these members but instead would permit them to carry out their practice outside of the accreditation model.

The regulatory concept proposes that a member working for the Crown (either federally or provincially), or a member working under another piece of provincial or federal legislation would be able to practice authorized activities under the following specific circumstances: 

  • The member is acting in accordance with the terms of their employment by the Crown


  • The member is acting in accordance with another piece of legislation; and
  • The services being provided by the members are not being provided to animals owned by members of the public.
Learn more about the development of the draft concept on regulatory exemptions for members