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Regulatory Concept: VCPR

The VCPR is the foundation upon which the delivery of clinical veterinary medicine is based.

Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship

Regulatory concept in development.

Status: The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open - share your thoughts today!


The VCPR is the foundation upon which the delivery of clinical veterinary medicine is based. The Veterinarians Act requires veterinarians to form a professional relationship with a client and their animal(s) prior to providing a singular or group of veterinary services.

Under the Veterinary Professionals Act, a VCPR will continue to be required to be established prior to the provision of any veterinary service(s) unless otherwise specifically stated. The draft concept includes:

  • separate regulatory section for the VCPR
  • enhanced recognition that the VCPR is maintained by the veterinary team working through an accredited veterinary facility
  • both types of members permitted to establish a VCPR
  • connection between the VCPR and after-hours veterinary care
  • ongoing VCPR requirements
  • enhanced recognition of client needs
  • continuation of regulatory exemptions
Learn more about the development of the draft concept on regulatory exemptions for members