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Committees support the work of the College Council. The College has five statutory Committees (required by legislation) and two non-statutory Committees (created by the College). Committees are established at the Annual Council Meeting in December and are made up of Council and non-Council Committee members. As well as policy work, certain Committees deal with matters related to the conduct of individual veterinarians. 

The Executive Committee provides leadership to Council by proposing policy changes, identifying the need for Registrar's Investigations and reviewing recommendations from committees. 

  • Dr. Wade Wright, President 
  • Dr. Jessica Retterath, 1st Vice President
  • Ms. Catherine Knipe, 2nd Vice President 
  • Dr. Alana Parisi, Past President 
  • Dr. Louise Kelly, Member at Large

The Registration Committee, a statutory committee, provides guidance to Council on the requirements for licensure with the College. The Committee endeavours to ensure equitable access to the profession and monitors licensure issues in the provincial, national and international environment. The Committee is also responsible for the College’s jurisprudence examination. 

  • Dr. Alana Parisi, Chair 
  • Dr. Kathleen Day Dunbar 
  • Dr. Chiemi Ogawa 
  • Mr. Douglas Reynolds 
  • Dr. Michael Zigler 

As a non-statutory committee, the Governance, Audit, and Risk Committee monitors the College’s compliance with its governance structure and processes, and recommends opportunities for continuous improvement to promote governance excellence. 

  • Dr. Alana Parisi, Chair 
  • Ms. Cathy Hecimovich
  • Dr. Jessica Retterath
  • Mr. Douglas Reynolds
  • Dr. Wade Wright 

The Complaints Committee, a statutory committee, screens and reviews complaints about the conduct of veterinarians and decides whether any action should be taken related to the concerns. 

  • Ms. Rena Spevack, Chair 
  • Dr. Roselyn Allen
  • Dr. Tyrrel de Langley
  • Dr. Ehab Hanna
  • Dr. Lisa Jones
  • Dr. Sami Qureshi
  • Dr. Lesley Ralston
  • Dr. Aaron Shackelton
  • Dr. Helen Waters 
  • Dr. Anne Watson 

The Discipline Committee, a statutory committee, holds public hearings during which they consider allegations of professional misconduct or serious neglect against a veterinarian. Cases are referred to the Discipline Committee by the Complaints and Executive Committees. Discipline hearings are generally open to the public and the outcomes are summarized and available on the College’s website and the online Public Register. 

  • Dr. Lena Levison, Chair
  • Dr. Patricia Alderson
  • Dr. Danielle Anderson
  • Dr. Scott Arnold
  • Dr. Claire Beauchamp
  • Dr. Kathleen Day Dunbar
  • Ms. Cathy Hecimovich
  • Dr. Davinder Jassal
  • Dr. Shannah Kavonic
  • Dr. Louise Kelly
  • Ms. Catherine Knipe
  • Dr. Kerry Lissemore
  • Dr. Clayton MacKay
  • Dr. Sean Marshall
  • Dr. Arif Memon
  • Dr. Paula Menzies
  • Dr. Atul Pakhawala
  • Dr. Sami Qureshi
  • Dr. Jessica Retterath
  • Mr. Douglas Reynolds
  • Dr. Ravi Sankar
  • Ms. Rena Spevack
  • Dr. Sarah Thompson
  • Dr. Yashvir Varma
  • Dr. Ines Walther
  • Dr. Steve Watts
  • Dr. Ellen Williamson
  • Dr. Michael Zigler 

The Accreditation Committee, a statutory committee, oversees the Accreditation Standards for Veterinary Facilities in Ontario which assure the facility provides a safe, professional environment for veterinary care. The Committee also monitors trends in veterinary medicine and amends accreditation standards, when necessary, to keep up with changes in the practice of the profession. 

  • Ms. Cathy Hecimovich, Chair 
  • Dr. Barinder Jassal 
  • Dr. Clayton MacKay
  • Dr. Sean Marshall
  • Dr. Yashvir Varma

The Quality Assurance Committee, a non-statutory committee, provides recommendations to Council which promote continued competence and continuing professional development among veterinarians. 

  • Dr. Patricia Alderson, Chair 
  • Dr. Claire Beauchamp 
  • Dr. Jessica Peatling
  • Dr. Kristen Reynolds
  • Dr. Suminder Sawhney