Licensure Policies
The College's licensure policy documents have been developed to increase the clarity of licence requirements, to assist veterinarians understand Restricted licensure and to outline the general expectation and processes for veterinarians engaged in a Registration Committee-imposed supervision arrangement. For more information about the College’s policies please review the individual policy documents.
Competency Examination and Assessment Pathways
The College’s Competency Examination and Assessment Pathways policy informs applicants of the entry to practise examinations and assessments that have been approved by Council.
Determining Applicant Suitability to Practise
The College’s Determining Applicant Suitability to Practise explains how the College assesses information about an applicant’s suitability to practise; and identifies the criteria that the College uses when conducting such an assessment.
Criminal Record Checks
The College’s Criminal Record Checks policy informs applicants when a criminal record check is required and the type of criminal record check that applicants are required to submit.Criminal Record Checks
Licensure in Emergency Situations
Under the Licensure of Veterinarians in Emergency Situations Policy Statement, the Registrar is authorized to carry out the following actions pertaining to application for licensure made in response to a declared emergency:
to issue and, where necessary, renew a short-term licence to veterinarians who are directed by a federal or provincial government body to perform specific veterinary services solely for the short-term, special purpose of dealing with the specified emergency situation.
to waive application and licensure fees;
to accept, as the nature of the emergency warrants, the Chief Veterinarian of Ontario or of Canada as the supervising veterinarian of short-term licensees, waiving the requirement for an undertaking to be signed by both parties;
to waive the documentation requirement to have letters of standing sent from other jurisdictions, instead confirming that the applicant holds active licensure in good standing through direct communication with the regulator of the originating jurisdiction.