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Regulatory Concept: Existing Veterinary Technician Roles

Potential pathways to assure the continuation of roles that veterinary technicians have currently established outside of accredited veterinary facilities.

Integrating Existing Veterinary Technician Roles Outside of Accredited Veterinary Facilities Under the Veterinary Professionals Act

Regulatory concept in development.

Status: The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open - share your thoughts today!


The Transition Council has been considering potential pathways to assure the roles veterinary technicians have currently established outside of accredited veterinary facilities have opportunities to continue with appropriate public protection safeguards under the new Veterinary Professionals Act.

There are currently approximately 20-30 veterinary technician-owned businesses. These businesses have been operating under the structure established by the Veterinarians Act and require options for continued operation under the new statutory framework.

A regulatory concept is being considered which provides options for veterinary technicians currently working outside of accredited facilities to transition over into the new framework while ensuring regulatory oversight and accountability. Five pathways were presented for Transition Council’s consideration for inclusion in a regulatory concept related to the authorized activity model.

  • Allowance for a veterinary technician member to perform lower-risk clinical activities and certain authorized activities outside of an accredited veterinary facility in accordance with a treatment plan created by a veterinarian member.
  • Allowance for a veterinary technician member to perform lower-risk clinical activities and certain authorized activities outside of an accredited veterinary facility upon receiving a written referral from a veterinarian member.
  • Veterinary technician members working as employees of the Crown.
  • Veterinary Technician members working under the oversight of another piece of federal or provincial legislation.
  • Veterinary technician members working as employees of non-veterinary animal care providers who are performing authorized activities under specific statutory exemptions.

Learn more about the development of the draft concept on existing veterinary technician roles outside of an accredited facility