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Developing regulatory concepts

Consultation is now open on the proposed regulatory concepts. Share your input today!

Regulatory concepts

Transition Council is seeking your input on the proposed regulatory concepts. Consultation is now open!

The Veterinary Professionals Act grants the Transition Council the ability to propose regulations to support the new legislation. The Transition Council invites your input on the proposed regulatory concepts through a public consultation. The consultation is open until April 16, 2025. Following review of the feedback received, the concepts will be revised and forwarded to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Agribusiness, who will develop the regulatory language.

Consultation now open!

The Transition Council is proposing regulatory concepts for your review. The proposed concepts are now open for public consultation.

Begin the Consultation on Regulatory Concepts


The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open and will close on April 16, 2025.

Regulatory Concepts

Regulatory concepts are in consideration in the following areas: