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Regulatory Concept: Licensure

One of the fundamental roles of the College is to review applicants for licensure to determine their suitability to practice veterinary medicine in Ontario.


Regulatory concept in development.

Status: The Transition Council has approved the proposed regulatory concepts for consultation. The consultation is now open - share your thoughts today!


One of the fundamental roles of the College is to review applicants for licensure to determine their suitability to practice veterinary medicine in Ontario. Currently, veterinarians are licensed under the Veterinarians Act. Although advancements have been achieved through Council and Committee policy, the College has been limited in enhancing its licensure program to evolving workplaces. Since 1993, veterinary technicians who meet academic and experience requirements are registered through the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians.

Under the Veterinary Professionals Act, veterinarians and veterinary technicians will be licensed professionals. The regulatory concept includes two types of licences, veterinarian and veterinary technician. Each type will include three subclasses, general, provisional and short-term. This model also supports the College's current limited licensure project.