Managing Controlled Drugs in a Veterinary Facility
The law is clear that veterinarians, in particular the facility director, are responsible for the access to and the use of any controlled drugs in an accredited facility. Further, veterinarians are responsible for appropriate prescribing, appropriate dispensing, maintaining appropriate logs, completion of audits, and the management of every controlled drug in an accredited facility.
Security, Storage, and Disposal of Controlled Drugs
Veterinarians must implement strategies to mitigate the risk of loss, theft or diversion of controlled drugs. This responsibility includes the overall management of any controlled drugs used in a veterinary practice, including secure storage, inventory control, and disposal. Review these policies and resources to find out more.
Who is in control of your controlled substances?
Management and Disposal of Controlled Drugs
Maintaining a Controlled Drug Log
Federal and provincial law requires veterinarians to track the controlled drugs in their accredited facilities. Veterinarians that prescribe and dispense controlled drugs are responsible for ensuring that a controlled drugs log is correctly maintained in accordance with the law. Review these resources on how to maintain a proper drug log in a veterinary practice.
Instructional video
The Maintaining a Controlled Drug Log video explains how to maintain a proper drug log in a veterinary practice.
Performing Controlled Drug Audits
Federal and provincial law requires veterinarians to conduct regular audits of their controlled drug inventory and record the results of the audit. Facilities are required to perform and document audits of their controlled drug inventory every 21 to 31 days (on a monthly basis). Review these resources about audits including appropriate methods of measuring controlled drugs in your inventory and what to do when irregularities are found.
Tips for conducting an audit of controlled drugs at your facility
Instructional Video
The Conducting a Controlled Drug Audit video explains appropriate methods of measuring controlled drugs and what to do when irregularities are identified.